Thursday, May 19, 2011


This is my rubber duck wallet made of duct tape and outlined

in sharpie. now go forth and love it :) also email me for instructions...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Duct Tape Roses

These are my most amazingly wonderful duct tape flower roses that I made. These arent made PURELY of duct tape though. I made the stem out of duct tape wrapped around some incent sticks :) I try to make everything mostly of duct tape but i really didnt want to waste all my tape trying to make a stem. It was hard to make yet easy at the same time. If you'd like to know how i made it shoot me an email and i'll for sure tell you how.


So this past friday was the 13th. FIRDAY THE 13TH!!! (insert scary noise here)
BUTTT I do not believe in that kind of thing. I think that its just a day that someone got scared on and then said its a bad bad day. lol I haven't really heard of anything superstitious things besides the dont break a mirror or you'll have bad luck and dont walk under a ladder because itll fall on you. I think its all just a silly little thing someone made up, or a myth. I've never observed Friday the 13th but when i hear that its coming i do get a little excited just to say, "HEY ITS FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!"

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pikachu Duct Tape Wallet

I love this wallet. It was just something fun that I decided to make. Its Pokemon character "Pikachu". I outlined it in sharpie but the whole thing is made purely of Duct Tape :). I've made a lot of character wallets for my other friends such as, Batman, Reptar, Cookie Monster and Elmo. If you'd like to know how I made this wallet email me at

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Duct Tape Gir Bag

This is my amazing duct tape bag. The character is Gir from the
anime cartoon Invader Zim. It's double sided. On side is the
green guy and the other side is the silver. It took me couple of days
to make. I kinda worked at it as i had time. It took forever, but it
was totally worth it. I haven't started on any other purses/bags
since this one. It kinda took me too long and i don't really have much
time to do it. If you'd like to know anything about how i made this bag
then email me at

Friday, May 6, 2011

Duct Tape Hair Bows

About two weeks ago my little sisters friend, Makaila Lemon, came over to stay at our house. When she showed up he had a WHOLE bag full of rolls of duct tape. She told me that ever since i started making things out of duct tape she decided she wanted to learn how. So her and her little cousin started a little business making things from duct tape. When she came over she showed me how to make these amazingly awesome hair bows out of duct tape. They are extremely easy to make and take about 5 minutes to make. I love the idea and i love bows. If you'd like to know how to make them email me at

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Atascocita High School LipDub Project

So this past week the students of Atascocita High School made a video showcasing our school and all the amazing students and organizations. I really think all the in coming freshman will enjoy the school and see that there are so many different people and different organizations to join and that no one gets left out here. They'll see that we are a great group of friends and that we can all work together when its really needed :)